Monday, December 12, 2011

An Arcadia Weekend

I must admit that this has been one of the best weekends at AU thus far. It was pretty low key, but it was completely relaxing and perfect to calm down after a busy week.

Opening of Haber Green... Can you find me?
On Friday, there was a ceremony opening Haber Green (Beaver Beach) complete with a cheesey ribbon cutting and FREE PIZZA… every college kid’s favorite thing, so it clearly drew a crowd. I was only planning on staying for a few minutes until my next class, but luckily it was cancelled and I got to spend about an hour in the beautiful October sunshine. The night followed with a trip to King of Prussia mall for a little retail therapy with my roommates and a small gathering of old FYSAE friends at our apartment. It was so great to talk with others and reminisce and discuss how we are adjusting.

Climbing a tree at Solly Farms
Saturday was an early morning of apple picking with the environmental network. I had so much fun climbing trees and picking apples and pumpkins and getting to know more people on campus. Upon arriving back on campus, I went to get by hair dyed pink as a part of Arcadia’s Octoboober celebration to raise awareness and funds for breast and colon cancers. I was super nervous because I have only ever dyed my hair once and it wasn’t extreme. I am quite happy though with my small strip of pink hair. 
Sunday I decided to sleep in until 9 (I know, I went crazy with my bad self) and cleaned up the apartment and did some studying. In the evening I had a FYSAE alumni committee meeting to plan an event coming up in October for the future FYSAE students. Afterwards, SGO took a bonding trip to Dave and Busters where my roommate and I relived our childhood with games like whack-a-mole. I must admit that it was a lot more fun than I had expected.

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