Friday, September 23, 2011

Rain, Rain Go Away

Ever since returning to AU about 3 weeks ago, it has seemed to be raining every week, multiple times a week. There has been several buildings on campus flooded, as well as the off campus apartments where I live. Fortunately, none of the damage has directly impacted me, and for that I am truly grateful. I am also so thankful for the amazing maintenance staff we have that has been keeping up with everything.
I am now busier than I've ever been before. I am taking 20 credit hours and 2 lab classes, as well as working 2 work study jobs, and becoming more  involved on campus. In addition to the typical clubs I am in, this year I really tried to step outside of my comfort zone and challenge myself by becoming an Arcadia Student Government Senator, joining the school dance team (Knight Club), and taking my role as a FYSAE mentor seriously.
In addition to the various clubs I am involved with on campus, I have also decided to remain a part of the PenDel Brass, a divisional brass band I play in through the Salvation Army. This was a hard decision for me because of time constraints, but in all honesty, I just can't see myself not playing.
I have also been thinking ahead about what to do in the future. I know that I am only a sophomore, but with the economy, I know that planning ahead is more critical than ever. I plan on taking a free practice GRE test through my school next month. I know that I want to go into epidemiology, but I've been seriously looking into Arcadia's Master of Public Health program... what's an extra 2 years at AU? ($90,000- but let's just ignore that for now.)
I think that for now I am handling everything, but it's still just the beginning, so I'll keep you posted..

Oh, I almost forgot- In conjunction with the Arcadia University Convocation and official welcome to the school year (where the students and faculty were welcomed via video to the school year from the various study abroad locations around the world), AU held a special picnic afterwards, held indoors due to rain. At the picnic, a group of student leaders including the orientation team, resident assistants, and FYSAE mentors, got together in secret to learn a flash mob dance which was performed during the picnic. Below is a link to the video in which you can see myself and the team perform at the picnic. I can now check "being part of a flash mob" off my bucket list!

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