Saturday, August 6, 2011


I am officially done classes for the summer and safely home where I belong.. it is a beautiful feeling! I finally get to spend quality time with my family and have a bit of a break before heading back to school in three weeks. It's nice to be able to read a book about something other than chemistry. It's weird being home after being away so long, but I think it makes me appreciate it more- I even looked forward to going to work at BG's (I look forward to my first paycheck even more!) I have finally gotten my results from the Spring and Summer and I must say I'm not pleased with myself, but I know I must work harder in the Fall.
Today I went to my cousin Carter's 3rd birthday party, it's probably the first time my brother, sister and I have sat together in the backseat of a vehicle in over 5 years.. definitely an adventure!

**You can now follow me on Instagram: sebert02
I call this my chemical rainbow- it is from one of the few experiments I understood in Chemistry this summer.

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