Saturday, July 30, 2011

Apologies & Update

I would like to take a moment to apologize for neglecting this blog for so long and bombarding it with past posts today. I hope to keep this up to date from now on.

As for my life, it's pretty boring right now. I am in my final stretch of summer classes at Arcadia and am due to finish in four days... Wooohooo! Where I will go home for two weeks and hopefully work and earn money for my fall semester books.
My days are now spent in class four and a half hours a day (yes, the same class) and then working for four hours, followed by some exciting studying and the occasional night jog. Oh, and on Wednesdays I've been taking music lessons at church to get prepared for the upcoming PenDel Brass season.
Last night I did have to opportunity to go see All Time Low at the Electric Factory with some of my friends from the fall semester. It was a lot of fun, but very hot. (I may have almost passed out before it even began.) I've never been in the city that late at night and my phone had died, so I did not feel safe walking to the train station, so instead I took a taxi before catching my train back to Glenside.
All Time Low 

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