Saturday, July 30, 2011

Revision Fun

As of yesterday (5/9), classes are officially over for all students at Stirling Uni… wooohooo! This may sound great, but the rest of the month is simply exams. I still have six days before my first final to revise and study, which seems so weird. I’m used to trying to find time to study between classes and on reading day, but now that’s all I have planned for my days.
All of this studying is making people restless; we go hours at a time in the library or quietly tucked away in our rooms looking over notes and powerpoints (or simply watching movies.) So when dinner time comes around, everyone seems to be bursting with energy. All of this energy has been leading to parties and pranks- keys have been stolen, rooms have been tee-peed and facebooks have been changed. No one is safe, but it is all in good fun.

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