Friday, May 6, 2011

Royal Wedding Madness

On Thursday evening I boarded a coach in Edinburgh that would take me to London for Friday morning- the day that Prince William of Whales was to marry Catherine Middleton. I stood for 8 hours in the same place surrounded by thousands of other people and barely able to move. I was lucky enough to get a place right in front of Westminster Abbey, so I got to see most of the Royal Family, but none of the celebrities like Elton John or the Beckhams (not that I am complaining.) It was the craziest experience of my life; there were parties in the streets and parks and everyone seemed to be happy.
Of course that is not all that I did while in London. I also visited many of the art museums, parks, landmarks, and even went to see Phantom of the Opera 2: Love Never Dies (highly recommend!)
the crowds

the Queen

Prince Harry

Pippa Middleton

the Duke & Duchess of Cambridge

Mrs. Middleton & The Duchess of Cornwall

Kate walking into Westminster Abbey

the newlyweds

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