Saturday, July 30, 2011

Party, Party!

Originally posted July 24, 2011.
This weekend I took an extended visit home (sure I'll regret that during my exam on Monday!) for my mother's birthday, my sister's graduation party, and to meet up with some of my friends. This visit was long overdue.
I came home on the night of my mom's birthday and surprised here when I got off the bus with a dozen roses and a balloon. They next few days were spent doing errands for Amanda's graduation party, also known as floating around in my grandparent's pool and gossiping with my mom and grandma.
On Friday night I finally got to see some of my friends from high school at a party. It was fun to just catch up.
Saturday was the big party with just about every family member and of course all of my sister's friends (a few of my friends even stopped by). Everyone really seemed to enjoy the day, despite the record high temperatures. I don't think that many people have ever been in the pool at one time before! There is nothing better than good food, friends and family.
Sunday I was pooped and slept in.. something I rarely get to do. Then it was time for the dreaded clean up, which surprisingly consisted of taking down two tents. I also got to spend some time with my two youngest cousins, Chase and Charter, who by batting their eyelashes helped convince Nan to get us pizza for lunch- yum!

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