Saturday, July 30, 2011

One year ago, that was me...

Originally Posted June 10, 2011
Today was my sister Amanda's high school graduation. This was my first "actual" visit home since coming back to the US. I must admit it was bittersweet- I love my family, but as everyone pretty much knows, I hate the town and county where I come from. It is a place stuck in the past with no job opportunities and where no one wants to move on.. ok, my rant is over.
Anyway, graduation should be a simple process, right? Wrong. The day leading up to that 6:30pm ceremony was beyond hectic. I began my day bright and early with a 7:00am haircut, which was long overdo. From then on it was constant running around and getting everyone ready. We had to pick up my sister's friends and some of my family members then go get ready in a house with one bathroom... what a mess. When we arrived, the search for the rest of the family began. The minute we were all situated and ready, the music began.
I must admit that it felt so surreal. It was only a year ago that I sat baking in the sun on that very same field. It was me getting my diploma and walking across the grass. I had no idea where life was going to take me. I had no idea how I was going to pay for college. All I knew was that in three days I was leaving for the greatest summer (which turned into the greatest year) of my life (for those of you who don't know, the summer of 2010 I spent traveling the east coast with an acting program called CAST.)
I am so proud of my sister and hope that she has the same great experience in college.

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