Saturday, July 30, 2011

Packing & Unpacking & Packing & Unpacking

Originally Posted June 6, 2011
Yesterday I flew 8 hours over the Atlantic Ocean to get from Edinburgh to Newark, NJ. Then drove 2 and a half hours home, spent 18 hours with my family before driving another 2 hours to get to Arcadia. It been a hectic 2 days, especially when trying to combat jet lag. It was great to see my family, even if it was only for such a short amount of time. It was even better to eat I meal that I did not have to cook myself.
It has not hit me yet that I am not longer in Scotland. It has been getting to my fellow FYSAEs in intervals. For some it was on the plane, for others it was the moment they saw their families, and for the rest of us, it still has not processed. This may be because my days have been so jam packed that I did not even think of it until now.
Anyway, tomorrow begins the first summer in five years that I am not doing anything musical. At 8 am I begin Chemistry 101. After this amazing semester abroad I must get back on track and “make up” the courses I missed. Wish me luck!

Waving "Goodbye"

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