Friday, May 6, 2011


  This past weekend was Easter Break here in Stirling- there is nothing better than a 4 day weekend!
In keeping with my goal of seeing everything Scotland has to offer, Friday was spent travelling to Loch Lomond. It was a beautiful day to spend on the banks of a loch. The day began (after a few train rides) with an hour long boat tour of the loch. The rest of the day was spent just walking around the famous “bonnie banks” and exploring the town of Balloch and Balloch Castle.
  Saturday and Sunday were lazy days spent at the university. The weather was not that great and it was the perfect time to begin revision for exams and catch up on movies.
  This was my first time being away from my family on a religious holiday. It was weird not waking up to a basket delivered by the Easter Bunny and not smelling ham cooking all day. This was my first time experiencing “home sickness” (even if it only lasted an hour). But in all it was an awesome day with those who did not go home and making my first homemade holiday meal.
  Monday was also part of our break. I had planned on just revising and staying close to campus, but instead took a last minute trip with a friend to Blair Atholl. This town is located in the center of Scotland and is nicknamed the “Heart of Scotland” and is part of the Cairngorms National Park at the gateway to the Grampian Mountains. The hills and landscape were breathtaking- no picture could ever do it justice. Here we did some hillwalking and visited Blair Castle and Gardens. This was unlike any castle I have visited so far; it was modern in comparison and very luxurious.
  Like Blair Castle, this Easter break was unlike any I have ever experienced before, but it will be one I will never forget.

Blair Castle
The Whim

Blair Atholl

Hercules Garden at Blair Castle
Loch Lomond
Loch Lomond

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