Tuesday, April 10, 2012


  This Lent I decided to give up all social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, StumbleUpon, Etc.) and coincidentally that is when my poor laptop decided to kick the bucket. So needless to say, I've only been online for academic purposes in the library. Now that Lent is over, I'm finding it easier to concentrate on my assignments and I'm not as tempted to browse the different sites just to see what is happening in the lives of others. So, as much as I hated it, my sacrifice may be the start of a good habit. 

  This is Easter was much more enjoyable than last year. As much as I LOVED my time in the UK, holidays are meant to be spent with those who mean the most to you. Unfortunately, I was unable to be home for Easter, but my lovely roommates and I made due and created our own traditions- pulling our favorite traditions from each of our families. It was great to have a slower paced day to enjoy each other's company.

  Recently, the Environmental Network that I am involved with on campus helped out with a Dr. Seuss day celebration and hosted the Lorax room. Children planted sunflowers in bowls leftover from our annual Empty Bowel Dinner and learned about what is need to make a plant grow. It was fulfilling to see their smiles and curiosity.. and to get a little dirty!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Feeding the Hungry

This past Sunday, AU hosted Stop Hunger Now Pack a Thon. Stop Hunger Now is a global organization that packages dry meals to be sent around the world to schools so children could have a meal incentive to go to school and they learn better on a full stomach. The group of about 100 Arcadia students, faculty, and community members helped to package over 10,000 meals in about 45 minutes. To learn more about Stop Hunger Now, visit their website http://www.stophungernow.org/site/PageServer.
Emily Pugh '14 and I modelling the hair nets.

Saturday, February 11, 2012


We haven't seen much of this white stuff since Halloween, but I'm so glad it came to visit again!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

The End. In the Beginning..

As you may or may not know, this blog was originally set up as a sample for a paid blogging position at Arcadia University to follow my life as a part of their First Year Study Abroad Experience (FYSAE). I then copied every post from that blog onto here so that I may be able to look at it later in life and remember that yes, at one point in time my life was interesting. But now, that has come to an end. It has been almost a year since I left for my semester long journey and now and am all readjusted, so there is no reason to continue paying me to write about how I am readjusted and studying until my eyes bleed. So, Arcadia has moved onto new bloggers in new places. I have decided to continue this blog however, for the same reason that I copied all of my posts onto this site. Soooo..
Here is me starting my first SPRING semester at AU. I will admit that it is a little different, but I've been doing this whole going to school thing for quite some time, so it wasn't a dramatic change. Today was my first day of classes, and I am truly excited for every one. I think I may have developed a study plan that will work and hopefully I could raise my GPA and actually be accepted to grad school!
Since I've only been here 3 days, nothing all that exciting has happened, so here's a picture of my dog, Daisy.. I miss her already.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Knight Club

12/5/11- As seen in The Arcadia Bulletin
This weekend, among the frantic paper writing, was the Knight Club’s fall performance recital. This was not only my first Knight Club recital, but my first ever dance recital (most people can say this by their 6th birthday.)So needless to say, I was super nervous to perform.
My dance was a hip hop mash- up of “Run the World” by Beyonce, “On the Floor” by Jennifer Lopez, and “Where them Girls
At” by Flo-Rida and Nicki Minaj choreographed by Katie Surdovel ’12. We had performed earlier in the semester at Knight Madness, but that performance had a large section cut from it due to time constraints. It felt like learning a whole new dance after practicing a shorter version for so long.
I was involved in the last dance of the show, so I had almost two hours to let the nerves build. Backstage was a flurry of tights, costumes, and shoes flying in a cloud of hairspray. I was an amazing feeling to be in a performance atmosphere again. When it was our time to go on stage, we all ran through the stage doors high- fiving the choreographer before taking our places. As we were walking on stage, the crowd was screaming and my adrenaline was pumping.
I can honestly say that I do not remember the actual dance, but the feeling when it was over was something I’ve missed since my last stage performance in the summer of 2010. (I’ve performed with a brass band since then with larger crowds, but it’s just not the same.)I cannot wait for what the next season of dance has in store for me!

A Busy Week

This week has been beyond busy. Monday and Tuesday were spent studying genetics and baking and baking and baking for SABA’s 3rd Annual Dress for Success Fashion Show. My roommates and I baked over 200 cupcakes and dozens of truffles for the reception after the show..

Cupcakes overtaking our table
Wednesday was spent studying for tests later in the week and practicing for Knight Madness..
Thursday was KNIGHT MADNESS! If you are not from AU, Knight Madness is our one and only “pep rally” of the year, where the sports teams are introduced, faculty lose at basketball to students, clubs perform, and giveaways are in abundance! It’s just a fun night. I was SUPER nervous this year, though because the dance I am in for Knight Club was chosen to perform. This was my first ever dance with Knight Club, so my nerves were out of control. Luckily we all did a great job and the crowd loved it. The link below will take you to a video of our performance recorded by Emily Booth ’12 and choreographed by Katie Surdovel ’12.

My roommates and I at Knight Madness!

And best of all, Friday I turned 20! When we arrived back home from Knight Madness, my roommates surprised me with gifts and cards. At my work study job, I was surprised with an ice cream cake. My mailbox was full of card from my family. That night my friend surprised me with yet another cake!
Saturday, my friend Nicole and I went on a trip to NYC sponsored by the Office of Student Engagement to see How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying. It was so good. We were a little disappointed that Daniel Radcliffe didn’t come out after the show. We then had dinner in Little Italy and did some shopping on Canal Street before heading back to AU.

Lions & Tigers & …Beavers? Oh my!

This weekend my roommates and I decided to make a trip to the Philadelphia Zoo before the end of the nicer weather. We arrived at the zoo around 11:30 and quickly noticed that we were the only ones not in costume. Unknown to us, it was the zoo’s annual Boo at the Zoo! event where children come to the zoo in their Halloween costumes and received treats at different places throughout the zoo.

Philadelphia, PA
I don’t know what it was about the day, but all of the animals seemed extremely social. The tigers came right up against the glass and the otters were full of life and brought laughter to all of the children watching. We spent almost an hour in the PECO primate reserve watching the gorillas.
After a long day at the zoo, we ordered a massive amount of food from Apollo pizza in downtown Glenside and watched our new guilty pleasure, Law & Order SVU until getting ready for Arcadia’s annual Mr. Beaver contest.

Emily Pugh '14, Samantha Ebert '14, & Nicole Spevak '14 at Philadelphia Zoo
For those of you who don’t know (or who haven’t read any of the previous blogs), Mr. Beaver is kind of like a drag show with a theme and random prizes for the audience and participants. But as an added bonus, this year it was hosted by Ross Matthews from Chelsea Lately. His humor added so much to the contest.

Emily Pugh '14, Nicole Spevak '14, Samantha Ebert '14 & Katie Baker '14 with President Carl "Tobey" Oxholm III at Mr. Beaver 2011

Samantha Ebert '14 and Katie Baker '14 with Ross Matthews at Mr. Beaver 2011