Tuesday, April 10, 2012


  This Lent I decided to give up all social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, StumbleUpon, Etc.) and coincidentally that is when my poor laptop decided to kick the bucket. So needless to say, I've only been online for academic purposes in the library. Now that Lent is over, I'm finding it easier to concentrate on my assignments and I'm not as tempted to browse the different sites just to see what is happening in the lives of others. So, as much as I hated it, my sacrifice may be the start of a good habit. 

  This is Easter was much more enjoyable than last year. As much as I LOVED my time in the UK, holidays are meant to be spent with those who mean the most to you. Unfortunately, I was unable to be home for Easter, but my lovely roommates and I made due and created our own traditions- pulling our favorite traditions from each of our families. It was great to have a slower paced day to enjoy each other's company.

  Recently, the Environmental Network that I am involved with on campus helped out with a Dr. Seuss day celebration and hosted the Lorax room. Children planted sunflowers in bowls leftover from our annual Empty Bowel Dinner and learned about what is need to make a plant grow. It was fulfilling to see their smiles and curiosity.. and to get a little dirty!

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