Monday, December 12, 2011

Knight Club

12/5/11- As seen in The Arcadia Bulletin
This weekend, among the frantic paper writing, was the Knight Club’s fall performance recital. This was not only my first Knight Club recital, but my first ever dance recital (most people can say this by their 6th birthday.)So needless to say, I was super nervous to perform.
My dance was a hip hop mash- up of “Run the World” by Beyonce, “On the Floor” by Jennifer Lopez, and “Where them Girls
At” by Flo-Rida and Nicki Minaj choreographed by Katie Surdovel ’12. We had performed earlier in the semester at Knight Madness, but that performance had a large section cut from it due to time constraints. It felt like learning a whole new dance after practicing a shorter version for so long.
I was involved in the last dance of the show, so I had almost two hours to let the nerves build. Backstage was a flurry of tights, costumes, and shoes flying in a cloud of hairspray. I was an amazing feeling to be in a performance atmosphere again. When it was our time to go on stage, we all ran through the stage doors high- fiving the choreographer before taking our places. As we were walking on stage, the crowd was screaming and my adrenaline was pumping.
I can honestly say that I do not remember the actual dance, but the feeling when it was over was something I’ve missed since my last stage performance in the summer of 2010. (I’ve performed with a brass band since then with larger crowds, but it’s just not the same.)I cannot wait for what the next season of dance has in store for me!

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