Wednesday, January 18, 2012

The End. In the Beginning..

As you may or may not know, this blog was originally set up as a sample for a paid blogging position at Arcadia University to follow my life as a part of their First Year Study Abroad Experience (FYSAE). I then copied every post from that blog onto here so that I may be able to look at it later in life and remember that yes, at one point in time my life was interesting. But now, that has come to an end. It has been almost a year since I left for my semester long journey and now and am all readjusted, so there is no reason to continue paying me to write about how I am readjusted and studying until my eyes bleed. So, Arcadia has moved onto new bloggers in new places. I have decided to continue this blog however, for the same reason that I copied all of my posts onto this site. Soooo..
Here is me starting my first SPRING semester at AU. I will admit that it is a little different, but I've been doing this whole going to school thing for quite some time, so it wasn't a dramatic change. Today was my first day of classes, and I am truly excited for every one. I think I may have developed a study plan that will work and hopefully I could raise my GPA and actually be accepted to grad school!
Since I've only been here 3 days, nothing all that exciting has happened, so here's a picture of my dog, Daisy.. I miss her already.

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