Saturday, July 30, 2011

Wind, Volcanoes, and Finals

Originally posted May 24, 2011
These past few days have been crazy. There has been terrible winds throughout Scotland the past two days. This has brought down many trees and branches on the Stirling campus and has kept many in their residence buildings.
The Grimsvotn Volcano in Iceland as begun to erupt and volcanic ash is clogging up the airspace above Scotland, Ireland, and England. Normally this wouldn’t be that big of a deal, but myself and 6 of my friends are supposed to fly to Paris, France tomorrow. So needless to say, we’re stressing.
But on a lighter note, today I finished all of my finals and am officially completed my first year of university. The only thing that bothers me is that I will not know my grades until around August, and I’m such a “worry wart.” My nerves will not be settled until I know that I have done well.

ut oh 2

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