Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Six Nations Rugby

Today (3/19) I went on an Arcadia sponsored trip to a Six Nations Rugby game in Edinburgh between Scotland and Italy. The Italian team has been on the Stirling University campus all week practicing and many of us have been following the Scotland team, so the anticipation for this has been growing with each passing day.
The trip had very limited space and I happened to be one of only three FYSAE students that got tickets. The two other girls that I went with I had not really gotten the chance to talk to outside of a large group, so it was a nice change to get to know each other.
The three of us met up in the early afternoon to get yet another train to Edinburgh (third trip to Edinburgh this week) and walk to the Murrayfield Stadium. No one brought directions from the train station to the stadium, but we were told to just “follow the crowd.” This was much easier than I expected because just about EVERYONE was going to the same place. We were fully dressed in our new Scotland Rugby polos that we purchased on the way to the Arcadia Ceilidh yesterday and ready to embrace this event. It was truly a great time, especially since Scotland won (21-8)!

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