Wednesday, April 20, 2011


This weekend I went to Glamis Castle, the setting Shakespeare used as the setting of one of my favorite plays, Macbeth. The castle was absolutely massive and beautiful. Unlike the other castles I have seen here, it was not in ruins, but still standing and completely furnished. Beautiful gardens surrounded the castle.
Glamis Castle
Glamis Castle is home to the Earls of Strathmore and was also the childhood home of the current Queen Mother. Princess Margaret was born there in 1930.
Monument to Princess Margaret

In the same trip, I went through Dundee, the City of Discovery. Here the RRS Discovery ship is housed. This ship was captained by Robert Falcon Scott and in 1901 set sail for Antarctica. The trip made many scientific breakthroughs, including identifying over five hundred new kinds of marine animals, spiders, shrimps, star and shellfish. The expedition was the first to sight an Emperor Penguin and obtain an egg of the species.
RRS Discovery Ship
The other half of my weekend was spent in the small town of Aberdour and Edinburgh. In Aberdour I spent most of my time on the small stretch of beach there and Aberdour Castle. This castle was mostly in ruins, but the impressive walled garden and tiered gardens were well maintained. In Edinburgh I finally climbed to the top of King Arthur’s seat, a 823 ft hill over looking Edinburgh. Arthur’s Seat is often mentioned as one of the possible locations for  Camelot, the legendary castle and court ruled by King Arthur and home to the Knights of the Round Table.
Aberdour Castle
Black Sands (Aberdour)

Climbing Arthur's Seat

Almost there?

Edinburgh from the top of Arthur's Seat

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